Your Introduction To The Wide World Of Bushcraft
The biggest problem with learning something new is often simply knowing where to start.
You want to make sure you are spending your time wisely and concentrating on the areas that matter.
You want to put the right foundations in place so you can make use of and benefit from what you learn.
Without some guidance then, faced with the many aspects of bushcraft, it can be difficult to know what to focus on first.
Let Our Experienced Instructors Guide You
Our 3-day Bushcraft Taster Course is an enjoyable guided introduction to the most important and readily applicable facets of bushcraft. The whole course is run outdoors and is designed to be hands-on and fun.

Run at a pace that allows you to appreciate the beautiful woodland setting, this course is perfect for those who enjoy nature and being outdoors, but are new to bushcraft.
Starting around the campfire, then venturing further afield, you will spend 3 days immersed in the woods with our friendly and experienced instructors. During this time, you will acquire skills and knowledge that will enrich and enliven your outdoor life.
We begin by introducing some core campcraft and woodcraft skills. At meal times we will also include campfire cooking skills for you to employ. We will then progress to showing how rich our countryside is in useful trees and plants. In particular, you will examine – and taste – some of the wild food nature provides. Wild food foraging offers a whole world of discovery in itself.

As you relax and become accustomed to your surroundings, we will introduce you to the wonderful world of tracking. You will look for tracks and sign left by animals as well as the animals that left them. We’ll show you ways in which you can enhance your observation and teach you methods of remaining quiet and unobtrusive. This training will raise your awareness of nature as well as allowing you closer encounters with wildlife. These are under-appreciated skills but ones that will increase your enjoyment and understanding of the woods, fields and hedgerows.
You will leave this course with a host of practical skills, enthused, inspired and with a view that bushcraft really is the art of the possible…
What Our Clients Say About the Frontier Bushcraft Taster Course:
“Paul many thanks again to yourself, James and Matt for a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. I learnt many new things and your patience and clear instruction made seemingly difficult things very simple and straightforward. See you all soon and thanks again.” Phil Jeffery.
“The course appealed as it offered me the chance to develop skills to make my outdoor experience less reliant on the modern world and technology. I want to go wild camping and ultimately I want to experience an expedition or trek. The content exceeded my expectations, your knowledge was wide ranging, reassuringly deep and detailed, and you and James and Matt went out of your way to answer all questions. There was so much to learn and I know I have only scratched the surface.” Kay Zukor.
“I would like to thank you ,James and Matt for a very interesting taster course on Bushcraft, I found it both educational, practical and entertaining. I would definitely recommend this for anybody wishing to become involved in Bushcraft. Thanks again for a great weekend.” David Breeze.
“Thank you and your team so much for a truly memorable Bushcraft Taster Course. I really enjoyed the whole experience and feel I did get just what I wanted and needed from it, not least a feeling of achievement and a curiosity to learn more, especially on the plant life and finding my way around wild places! The good humour amongst everyone was great and helped me ignore the weather, in fact it made the success even more special!” Elizabeth Dalton.
“I had an absolutely great time on the taster course. I don’t want to give Paul a big head but he is the fountain of all knowledge when it comes to bushcraft, easy going and very patient too. Ask Paul a question and he will give you a good answer even in Latin! Brilliant Course, ace instructors and assistants. I have been on a few other courses elsewhere – what they taught me the wrong way in a weekend, Paul taught me the right way in a few hours…. “ Karl Kristiansen.
“Don’t be fooled by the course title. I’m not new to bushcraft but I learned a lot of new stuff as well as refining things in my current skill set. As oxymoronic as it sounds, there’s a gentle intensity to the course with early mornings and late finishes and lots of demos and projects which are pretty much all linked up.” Austin Lill, Bushcraft and Survival Skills Magazine.
Detail Of What You Will Learn: Bushcraft Taster Syllabus
During this course we will cover:
- Choosing and using a knife for woodcraft
- Knife safety
- Cutting techniques to maximise the use of your knife
- Efficient and safe saw techniques to speed up your woodcraft
- How to harvest green wood without causing damage
- Simple, effective pot hangers
- Knife sharpening
- The core principles of fire craft
- The two critical stages of fire-lighting you must understand
- How to identify and select the best natural tinders
- How to collect the best kindling
- Reliable methods of lighting your fire with your last match
- Methods for lighting fire in wind and rain
- Lighting fire with sparks
- Selecting the best firewood
- Mistakes to avoid when lighting fires
- Fire management
- Different types of fire for different jobs
- How to leave a fire safe
- How to minimise the impact of your fire on the environment and other people
Campfire Cookery
- The principles of cooking with fire (as opposed to an electric/gas oven)
- Simple campfire breads
- How to cook pancakes on a campfire
- How to make and cook lovely bannock
- The best way to make fresh coffee in the woods
- Roasting over the fire
- Small game preparation
- Campfire stews
- Quick, efficient methods of erecting a tarp shelter
- Three essential knots for tarps
- How to put up a large, group tarp (and it keep you dry!)
- What to look for in any shelter site
- Where to position a tarp, tent or natural shelter
- Dangerous places to avoid siting a shelter
- Minimising heat loss to the environment
- Building shelters from natural materials
Trees, Plants, Their Identification And Uses
- Common, widespread trees and their uses
- Plants and trees for fire craft
- Common, widespread plants for food
- Natural teas
- Poisonous lookalikes to avoid
- Plants and trees for cordage
- How plants and trees indicate water sources
- How plants and trees indicate direction
Nature Observation and Tracking
- How to move quietly
- Two simple tricks to make you less visible
- How to hear more
- How to see more
- Animal track and sign identification
- Core principles of tracking
- How to track methodically
- The common mistakes of tracking (and how to avoid them)
All the Other Details You Need to Know…
You don’t need to spend lots of money on specialist clothing or equipment for this course.
What you will need is some basic outdoor clothing and a few items of camping equipment. You may already have most of this kit and anything you don’t have, you can probably borrow from friends and family. All specialist kit is supplied by Frontier Bushcraft and included in the course fee.
If you are willing to sleep out under a lightweight fly sheet for the whole weekend, then you don’t even need to bring a tent. Clothing should be muted, natural colours. Try to avoid wearing bright colours as well as blue.
A full kit-list is available here and it will also be e-mailed to you with your e-mail receipt after your booking has been accepted.
Other specialist equipment will be provided for your use during the course. This includes the use of a tarp and a bivvy bag.
This course will be conducted entirely outdoors, from an expedition-style base camp, and you will be camping out for the duration of the course.
There will be a covered teaching area which also serves as a communal area for breaks. There is a fire, kettle, tea, coffee, biscuits and cordial available here.
All food is provided but much of the preparation and cooking will be done by you and your fellow participants. If you have any allergies, food intolerances or other dietary requirements, please make sure you include this information when you book. There is an opportunity during the booking process to tell us about this.
Experience Required
No previous bushcraft or camping experience is required to attend this course.
FREE Equipment with this Bushcraft Course
During the course you will receive a carbon steel bushcraft knife by Mora of Sweden.
As they old saying goes “your knife is your life”, and this important tool will be yours to keep.
Availability and Booking: Frontier Bushcraft Taster Course
Duration: 3 days
Price: £299
Included: All instruction, food and specialist equipment. No hidden fees or extra kit rental.
Deposit: 25% on booking; Balance: 9 weeks prior to course date.
Suitability: 14 years & above. Anyone under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by an adult.
Course size: 12 participants (maximum).
Location: East Sussex.
Course Dates:
02/05/15 – 04/05/15 New Date!
25/07/15 – 27/07/15 New Date!
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