Person chatting to others after having lit a fire

Sara Bunn

London, U.K. |

Just wanted to say a BIG thank you to you all for your friendliness and expert teaching skills, I had a fantastic weekend. I learnt so much on the 2 day course that when I went camping in Wales last weekend I was able to apply the fire making techniques and even carved my own tent pegs. I am totally hooked and hope to do more courses in the future.

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Paul Kirtley is Founder and Chief Instructor of Frontier Bushcraft. He has had a lifelong passion for the great outdoors and gains great satisfaction from helping others enjoy it too. Paul writes the UK's leading bushcraft blog. He is the author of Wilderness Axe Skills and Campcraft, as well as having contributed to several other books. Paul has been involved in teaching bushcraft since 2003. He is also a Canoe Leader, British Canoeing Level 3 Canoe Coach and UK Summer Mountain Leader.

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