Martin’s Hare Curry Over The Campfire

Curry and rice in a bowl in the green woods
A delicious curry, cooked over the campfire and served with saffron rice. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

I’ll start by saying I wouldn’t normally eat hare, as not only are they magnificent animals but their numbers are on the decline in the UK. Nor are they are particularly easy to get your hands on, compared to the ubiquitous rabbit. This recipe, served with saffron rice, works equally well for rabbit.

I’m very fortunate to have a large population of hares on my farm and enjoy seeing them charge around the fields, especially in late winter and early spring when they begin their courtship rituals. A female boxing away a would-be male suitor is a common sight. I’ve even seen a hare throw a few punches at a rook. As always, at moments like that my camera wasn’t with me.

Anyway, a local game keeper had kindly given me a hare and it had been in my freezer waiting for the perfect dish to do it justice. A campfire in the woods seemed the appropriate setting…

Some Preliminary Campcraft

To cook this dish I was going to use a Dutch oven and so required a sturdy pot hanger to suspend it over the fire. A hazel tripod seemed the most suitable solution so off I went in search of this common hedgerow tree.

I needed three sturdy upright poles for the legs and one long length with a fork at the thickest end (close to the base of the tree). The thin end of this long branch, no thicker than your thumb, needs to be twisted to create a withy, which will bind the three legs at the top creating a tripod. The ‘tick’ end of this length, where the branch forks, will be the hook that the dutch oven hangs from. This needs to the thick enough to support the weight of what you are going to hang from it.

hazel bush
Hazel with side-branch located, providing a sturdy tick-shape. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Twist the length of hazel until you hear that recognisable ‘pop’ as the fibers separate and allow it to become flexible, once you have a suitable length twisted you can cut the branch off the tree. Doing it the other way around is much trickier, trust me!

making a withy
Turning the top of the hazel shoot into a flexible withy. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Tidy up the hook end before adding it to the tripod. Then create a clove hitch with the withy and place it over the tripod legs, pull tight and arrange the hook end of the hanger to fall between the legs. To adjust the height of the pot, all you need to do is move the legs in or out. Simple and elegant.

Note, the top of the legs is a great place to hang your mug when not in use, you’ll always know where it is and it doesn’t get full of leaf litter from the woodland floor.

pot hanger
The tick-shaped side branch fashioned into a hook for hanging the pot over the fire. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
tripod and dutch oven
The completed tripod, with the withy being used to bind the legs at the top. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
mug on a tripod
Detail of the top of the tripod. It’s a great place to hang your mug and other useful items you need close to hand. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Hare or Rabbit Curry Ingredients

  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4 cardamom pods
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 large onions, chopped
  • 2 tbsp garlic paste
  • 2 tbsp ginger paste
  • 1 tsp each of ground cumin, coriander, turmeric, paprika and chilli powder
  • 2 tins of plum tomatoes
  • either 1 hare or 2 rabbits, jointed and de-boned
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • salt and pepper to season
Martin Tomlinson cooking in the woods
Fire lit and preparing the ingredients for cooking. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Hare or Rabbit Curry – Method

Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven and add the cinnamon, cardamom and bay leaf, fry for a minute.

Cooking in Dutch oven over fire
Oil heated with added cardamon, cinnamon and bay leaf. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Next, add the onions and garlic and ginger paste, along with a generous pinch of salt and cook until soft.

Cooking in Dutch oven
Add the onions, garlic paste and ginger paste. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Onions in Dutch oven
Stir and soften. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Add all other spices, except the garam masala, and cook for a few minutes until their aromas are released.

Adding spices to food
Adding the curry spice mix (except garam masala). Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Cooking curry in Dutch oven
Stir in well and continue to cook. Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Then add tomatoes and rabbit or hare meat along with just enough water to cover. Bring to a simmer and then cook gently on embers for around 45 minutes to an hour, basically until the meat is tender. Stir it regularly.

Adding tomatoes
The tomatoes come next. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Then the meat. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Hare curry
Already looking good. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Adding water.
Add just enough water… Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Dutch oven and natural tripod with open fire
Then leave to cook over the fire… Photo: Martin Tomlinson

Once the meat is tender add the garam masala and season to taste.

Serve with rice and or a nice naan bread. I cooked up some saffron rice with mine in an additional billy can, manage your fire correctly and you can time it right so that both the curry and rice are ready at the same time.

Two pots over the fire on different pot hangers
A bit of fire management to boil the rice while continuing to cook the curry. Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Hare curry
Ready… smells delicious! Photo: Martin Tomlinson
Curry and rice in wooden bowl in front of Dutch oven, with wooden spoons
A fitting feast in the forest… Photo: Martin Tomlinson

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Martin is a member of the Frontier Bushcraft instructional team and has been working on our courses since 2015. Originally from a farming background in Rutland, he grew up with nature all around him. He now lives in Cornwall. Martin is a passionate amateur photographer and his camera is never far away, capturing wildlife and the natural world whenever he can. He is also a keen traditional archer and has been shooting the English longbow since he was 16 years old.

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8 Responses

  1. Rody Klop
    | Reply

    This is torture, sitting at work. Reading your blog about being outdoor and cooking a fantastic meal.
    You bet I am going to try this curry … Cheers !

    • Paul Kirtley
      | Reply

      Hi Rody, sorry to torture you so badly haha! I’m sure the anticipation will make the taste even better when you finally taste it though… 🙂

  2. Craig Taylor
    | Reply

    Wunderbar Martin/Paul!!!

    Makes me want to give my local farmer a call and re-confirm permission to go rabbiting (probably as close as I’ll get to a hare) on his land to try this out for myself.

    Add the acquisition of a dutch oven into the equation and I’m salivating already…

    Keep those recipes coming…



  3. Wayne Knight
    | Reply

    Fantastic article,
    Great detail on everything here and will definitely be giving it a try.
    Although on a smaller basis as I don’t have a dutch oven (yet!!!)


  4. Ruud
    | Reply

    great stuff! These kind of meals are a joy to cook and eat in a nice piece of woodland.

    • Paul Kirtley
      | Reply

      I salivate every time I see this article 🙂

  5. Lee issitt
    | Reply

    I never realised you also had a blog post on here too Paul!
    I remember when Martin made us this on the first night of the beginner course. He came back saying that the chilli powder lid had come off while he was pouring it in, so it was going to be hotter than usual. To be honest, it was hot but very nice.

    • Paul Kirtley
      | Reply

      Hi Lee, it’s good to hear from you. Yes, we have a team blog over here. We’ve not been particularly active here lately though. But we should really get some more recipes on here.

      I’m glad you have good memories of this particular dish 🙂

      All the best,


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