It’s Just A Knife: Use It

Knives are tools to be used and utility is their main value argues Iain Gair in an opinion piece as pared down as his first Mora knife, which now resembles a stiletto more than a bushcraft blade. Verging on a rant, Iain argues against preciousness in knife buying and use. Your knife is your life, is the accepted wisdom. But Iain throws a question or two at this too…

Basic Mistakes To Learn From: Thinking Back To Corsica

“I’m human so I make mistakes”, says James Bath. He continues, “I’m not afraid of trying things but I absolutely detest getting things wrong. This may make me sound like a spoilt child but I completely thrash myself when I get things wrong. It’s my personality, and whilst it may not show on the outside, on the inside I’m being brutal with myself.” In this article James thinks back to some naive mistakes he made on a hiking trip in Corsica, a place he thought he knew well…

Bog Myrtle Balm – Not Just For Insects

Having experienced the efficacy of bog myrtle as a natural insect repellent but also experienced the voraciousness of the midges of her native Irish peat bogs, Alison Delaney set about creating a bog myrtle-based insect repellent she could carry with her and deploy, regardless of whether there was any bog myrtle nearby. Along the way, she inadvertently discovered some other powerful properties of her creation…

How The Team Deal With Creepy Crawlies When Camping

posted in: Tips & Tricks 7

Summer is a glorious time. Many of us will be exploring, camping and sleeping outdoors. But what about the bugs and other little nasties? They can be annoying! Here, the Frontier Bushcraft team talk about how they managing bugs and bites, as well as how to avoid any unnecessary discomfort…

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